GMH Auto Services is currently OPEN for business
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Opens |
Closes |
Monday | 9:00 AM |
5:00 PM |
Tuesday | 9:00 AM |
5:00 PM |
Wednesday | 9:00 AM |
5:00 PM |
Thursday | 9:00 AM |
5:00 PM |
Friday | 9:00 AM |
5:00 PM |
Saturday | 9:00 AM |
5:00 PM |
Sunday | 10:00 AM |
4:00 PM |
Bank Holidays | No bank holiday opening hours for this place |
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Sunday 22nd December 2024 10:43 am
Name | Address and postcode | Type | |
GMH Auto Services | Friendship Mill Whalley Road, Read, Burnley BB12 7PN | Car Servicing | |
Phone | Official website | Opening hours | |
01282 770291 | No website listed yet | OPEN now |
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West street, West Street, Padiham, BB12 8JD (1.49 miles)
Church street, Church Street, Padiham, BB12 8HG (1.63 miles)
Adamson street, Adamson Street, Padiham, BB12 8NH (1.69 miles)
Guy street, Guy Street, Padiham, BB12 8NF (1.73 miles)
Ightenhill street, Ightenhill Street, Padiham, BB12 8PX (1.77 miles)
Hapton (2.35 miles)
Huncoat (2.40 miles)
Whalley Lancs (2.59 miles)
Rose Grove (3.32 miles)
Accrington (3.70 miles)
These cash machines are near to GMH Auto Services Leisure
1 - FREE to use and 0.26 miles away
1 - FREE to use and 1.71 miles away
1 - £1.75 to use and 1.73 miles away
2 - FREE to use and 1.73 miles away
1 - FREE to use and 1.79 miles away
1 - FREE to use and 1.83 miles away
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If you have made an appointment for work to be done make sure you ring ...
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