Northwood (Bristol), Bristol

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Sunday 2nd June 2024 8:42 pm


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Name Address and postcode Type
Northwood (Bristol) 271 North Street, Bristol BS3 1JN Property and Estate Management
Phone Official website Opening hours
0117 963 5777 Northwood (Bristol) property servicesWebsite link CLOSED now


Reviews of Northwood (Bristol)

        1 star out of 5
        2 reviews


  • 1 star reviewThis is a warning to any landlord who wants to let their property with Northwood 271 North Street Bristol BS3 1JN .I signed over my property to Northwood in A1 condition on 11/2/2013 my experience with them was good until things went very bad. Northwood informed me of a problem at the property with a leak coming from the roof and I agreed for their contractor to carry out an assessment of the works required to remedy this. But to my Horror when I got the report from their contractor it said, I quote "Note- This is the worst case of moisture I have seen, taking into account the roof space has vent tiles the only way moisture drops would permanently drip like that is extreme heat being used or vented into the loft space. I have only seen this before in a customer’s house where cannabis was being grown. Evidence found growing lights and extractor fans found in cupboard upstairs whilst I was checking all ceilings for damp.Emergency action is needed before all roofing and ceiling timbers are lost". When the problem was identified Northwood initially took liability and instructed their contractor IronGates Property Services to start the works on the roof. This resulted in scaffolding being erected. They then told IronGates Property Services to halt the works on the basis of a police report, which was done days after. When they had already informed the tenants that they were coming to carry out an inspection of the property. On receiving their report I contacted Northwood office where I was informed that I was liable for this damage and that my insurers would have to deal with it.My insures said"With reference to your claim for damage to the roof unfortunately we are unable to assist you in this matter as your policy excludes "Any loss or damage caused as a result of the property being used for illegal activities." I then asked for copies of their regular maintenance checks reports. 30/1/2014 I was sent only one report dated 19/6/2013. This report was in my opinion of a very low standard and looks as if it was completed without a full check of my property being carried out. The main reason for me choosing Northwoods over other management companies was their assurance of regular checks on my property. One check in fourteen months does not adhere to their promise of regular checks. One of my main concerns was that if the property was having regular checks with reports being carried out as I was informed it would be done as part of their managed property service, is that this problem would have never occurred. Also they had as many as 8 people living at my property what was never agreed with me. It was let on agreement that no more than 3 people would be residing at the property. Also complaints about noise due to band practices at the address caused hostilities towards me from neighbors that I have always had a good relationship with. I was prepared to let this matter rest on the assurance that they would make good all works necessary to put my property back to A1 condition. But Northwood just tried to get out off the contracted and there responsibility's which left me with a £7,200.00 bill. Northwood Said"As previously advised, we have started the process of recovering possession of the property and suggest at the point that we receive possession, we hand the property back to you after we have fulfilled our contractual responsibilities. It is probably in both parties’ interests to terminate our agreement at this point." I Do hope they do what is right as I just can't afford to lose this kind of money.
    Paul White Reviewed 15th April 2014 10:47 AM
  • 1 star reviewThis is a warning to any landlord who want to let their property with Northwood 271 North Street Bristol BS3 1JN .I signed over my property to Northwood in A1 condition on 11/2/2013 my experience with them was good until things went very bad. Northwood informed me of a problem at the property with a leak coming from the roof and I agreed for their contractor to carry out an assessment of the works required to remedy this. But to my Horror when I got the report from their contractor it said, I quote "Note- This is the worst case of moisture I have seen, taking into account the roof space has vent tiles the only way moisture drops would permanently drip like that is extreme heat being used or vented into the loft space. I have only seen this before in a customer’s house where cannabis was being grown. Evidence found growing lights and extractor fans found in cupboard upstairs whilst I was checking all ceilings for damp.Emergency action is needed before all roofing and ceiling timbers are lost". When the problem was identified Northwood initially took liability and instructed their contractor IronGates Property Services to start the works on the roof. This resulted in scaffolding being erected. They then told IronGates Property Services to halt the works on the basis of a police report, which was done days after. When they had already informed the tenants that they were coming to carry out an inspection of the property. On receiving their report I contacted Northwood office where I was informed that I was liable for this damage and that my insurers would have to deal with it.My insures said"With reference to your claim for damage to the roof unfortunately we are unable to assist you in this matter as your policy excludes "Any loss or damage caused as a result of the property being used for illegal activities." I then asked for copies of their regular maintenance checks reports. 30/1/2014 I was sent only one report dated 19/6/2013. This report was in my opinion of a very low standard and looks as if it was completed without a full check of my property being carried out. The main reason for me choosing Northwoods over other management companies was their assurance of regular checks on my property. One check in fourteen months does not adhere to their promise of regular checks. One of my main concerns was that if the property was having regular checks with reports being carried out as I was informed it would be done as part of their managed property service, is that this problem would have never occurred. Also they had as many as 8 people living at my property what was never agreed with me. It was let on agreement that no more than 3 people would be residing at the property. Also complaints about noise due to band practices at the address caused hostilities towards me from neighbors that I have always had a good relationship with. I was prepared to let this matter rest on the assurance that they would make good all works necessary to put my property back to A1 condition. But Northwood just tried to get out off the contracted and there responsibility's which left me with a £7,200.00 bill. Northwood Said"As previously advised, we have started the process of recovering possession of the property and suggest at the point that we receive possession, we hand the property back to you after we have fulfilled our contractual responsibilities. It is probably in both parties’ interests to terminate our agreement at this point." I Do hope they do what is right as I just can't afford to lose this kind of money.
    Paul White Reviewed 7th April 2014 9:31 PM

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Parking near

Mccadam Way, Mccadam Way, Hotwells, BS1 6XS (0.50 miles)

Diamond street, Diamond Street, Bedminster, BS3 3LF (0.53 miles)

Sheene Road, Sheene Road, Bedminster, BS3 4JJ (0.64 miles)

Hereford street, Hereford Street, Bedminster, BS3 4JR (0.69 miles)

Asda Bedminster, Bedminster, BS3 4JY (0.80 miles)

Train stations near

Parson Street (0.62 miles)

Bedminster (0.84 miles)

Bristol Temple Meads (1.47 miles)

Clifton Down (1.56 miles)

Redland (1.93 miles)

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These cash machines are near to Northwood (Bristol) Property services



    2 - FREE to use and 0.03 miles away

  • NATWEST BANK, NORTH STREET, BRISTOL by National Westminster/NatWest

    4 - FREE to use and 0.04 miles away

  • McColls, 264 - 266 North Street, BRISTOL by Bank Machine

    1 - FREE to use and 0.04 miles away


    1 - FREE to use and 0.10 miles away

  • Freshco, 250-251 Coronation Road, Bristol by Paypoint

    1 - £1.50 to use and 0.23 miles away

  • TESCO, 166-176 BRISTOL STREET NORTH, BRISTOL by Royal Bank of Scotland

    1 - FREE to use and 0.25 miles away


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